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Equine Veterinary Surgical Mattresses

Equine inflatable mattress and table range

The BDB Co.VET inflatable equine mattress and positioning aid range of equipment provides safe, easy to deploy, supportive working surfaces for surgery and imaging.

Correct positioning and cushioning are vital to minimise the risk of post-anaesthetic myopathy and these products give veterinary practitioners close control on the positioning and support of animals in their care. The level of inflation of different elements can be used to bring the patient into the ideal position for the procedure to be conducted.

The range comprises two fully independent pneumatic tables and three designs for table top use. Each may be usedfor both lateral on dorsal positioning.The standard sizes offered will fulfil most requirements, but items may also made in bespoke sizes. The equipment has its origins in the Snell Veterinary Systems Infla-Table range that has been in use in equine veterinary facilities for many years.

The equipment can be rapidly inflated when required and deflated for storage and transport. Chambers are inflated using a mains electrical pump available in 240v and 110v options, which will fill the main elements in around three minutes per section. 12v and hand pumps also available. The modular nature of their construction means that damage to one element does not write off the equipment and replacement components can be supplied.

Each piece of equipment is adaptable in the shape that can be deployed, using press studs to allow the set up to be tailored to the specific animal being treated and table being used, where relevant. All styles of mattress can be deployed in both dorsal and lateral configurations. Fittings are MRI and CT imaging safe.

Montage of Snell inflatable equine veterinary tables

Download the price list here

View individual mattress designs here